Posted on 3rd Nov, 2014 in Meta / Site Information
Ah...the smell of unfinished projects in the morning. Gotta love 'em.
So I'm knee deep in Neptune, Jupiter, and Phantom currently -- three projects, all of which relate a great deal towards the field of design that I intend on pursuing. All of the projects depend heavily on a variety of boilerplated frameworks; that is, many of my projects depend on JS libraries that never ever need modification. I've been wasting great deals of time trying to track down obscure javascript libraries from a while back that I need today. I never thought I'd waste time retracing my steps. Never once have I thought "Gee, I need to go edit that jQuery function and then go mess up all of AngularJS."
Never. Introducing The MoonServ CDN
And I'm sick of tracking down these ridiculous CDN links all over the place -- I get it, MaxCDN covers some of the Javascript libraries but bower is a pain in the ass for everything else and Cloudflare can suck it (I love you guys, but the weird downtime and SSL mishaps drive me nuts...) so here we go, here is the MoonServ CDN! As of right now, only Bootflat and jQuery are public and open.I'm adding AngularJS, vanilla CodeIgniter to clone, Bootstrap, Foundation, the Jupiter Framework, and the Neptune API shortly. I also have a large amount of single-user JS frameworks and plugins I'm mirroring as a service to the authors, of which will be added to this as well. If you want something added or would like to request a framework, don't hesitate to contact me at: astronaut [at] mooncrew [dot] n[e]t.
Now, what makes a CDN a true CONTENT DELIVERY NETWORK?
Reliability. Every, damn, time. Good news is, the main node of our CDN has a 99.9999% uptime. Three nines is good enough for me, so check that off the list! Furthermore, we are working on a low level reverse proxy service that will push our CDN files to all of our MoonServ nodes nationwide, currently everything is operating off of our Dreamhost servers in California. The Iowa node serves only private libraries and frameworks, and for security purposes it will never even touch the public CDN (other than periodic checks of integrity via md5 hash cronjobs).
And so, without further ado -- I've got to let you go. I'm busy as all hell early this week and my brain is a rats nest of code and ideas. I've been learning Javascript the right way for the first time, and CodeIgniter as well as Angular and everything is beginning to run together in one massive constructer....until next time!
- Charles Smith Waterloo, Iowa